2019 Public Home Intro


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We are an online community made up of people like you.

Join us to connect with others, share your opinion in various activities and change your world. In return you'll get your voice heard and get the chance to win some great prizes.

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By joining the Your Views Community you will participate in market research through surveys and discussions, have the unique opportunity to influence the evolution of products and services, while earning rewards like gift cards.

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By joining the Your Views Community you will participate in market research through surveys and discussions, have the unique opportunity to influence the evolution of products and services in the UK, while earning rewards like gift cards.


What We are About

What is YourViews?

Your Views is an online research community comprised of adults across the world willing to share their opinions about all things important to them, including views on products, services, political issues, and lifestyle. This online community seeks to understand today's citizen and provide a place for members of the community to interact, share ideas, and give opinions on today's leading brands. We are excited to hear what you have to say!

Your Views is brought to you by Toluna, a leading digital market research and technology company. The company is regarded as a pioneer in the dynamic world of marketing research, data collection, reporting and visualization, and brings together people and brands in the world's largest social voting community. As a leading all-in-one global source for actionable insights, we help market researchers, insights professionals and companies anywhere in the world make clearer and better business decisions that drive better business results.

Members provide their feedback & opinions through the Community

They get the chance to win some great prizes

Toluna' s clients gain insights to improve their products & services